Indikator Pencapaian Pembelajaran




Indikator Pencapaian Mata Diklat

Code of Material
Indikator Pencapaian
Basic metallurgy, metals and processes (6 hours)
Ø  - describes in simple terms the production of pig iron from iron ore
Ø  - describes the principles of the open-hearth, the Bessemer and more modem processes used in the production of steel from pig iron
Ø  - explains the principal differences between sand casting, die casting, centrifugal
Ø  casting, forgings, cold working and hot-rolled plate, bars and other sections
Ø  - states the normal range of carbon content in mild steel, tool steel, cast steel and cast iron
Ø  - describes the principal difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metals
Ø  - gives examples of applications of non-ferrous metals in marine engineering
Ø  - states the purpose of the alloying elements nickel, chromium and molybdenum in steels used in marine engineeringidentifies the metals used in non-ferrous alloys commonly employed in marine engineering
Properties  and uses
- explains in simple terms what influences the choice of material for a marine engineering component
-   describe in simple terms what is meant by the following mechanical properties:
-  elasticity
-  brittleness
-   strength
-   Hardeness
-   toughness
-   ductility
-   malleability
-    plasticity
-      explains what is meant by low-, medium- and high-carbon steels
-      compares the tensile strength, ductility and hardness of low-, medium- and
..    hiqh-carbon steels
-      states the uses of low-,  medium- and high-carbon steels
-      describes the properties of cast iron and gives examples of its use
-      defines an alloy
-    states the uses of aluminium, copper,  zinc,  lead,  tin and  antimony
-      states the component  metals of brass, bronze and white metal
-      states  the uses of the above  alloys
-      explains  why the above alloys are suitable for the uses in the  above objective
-      identifies samples   of metals described   in the above objectives
Non-metallic  materials
-     explains  the reasons for using the following  fillers in polymers:
-  glass fibre mica states that polymers  can be plastic,  rigid, semi-rigid  or elastomeric states the properties  and limitations  of polymers lists polymers  and other non-metallic   materials  in common  use states applications   of polymers  and other non-metallic   materials  on board ship
.1     Process
-     explains  the purpose  of heat treatment
-    describes  the following  heat treatment  processes  and the types  of steel to which  they might  be applied:
-     annealing
-     normalizing
-     hardening
-     tempering

Heat treatment  of carbon  steel
-    states  how low-carbon   steels can be cases  hardened states why low-carbon.steets   are sometimes  cases hardened
-    describes  in basic terms  a suitable  heat-treatment   process  for common  carbon steels,  given the properties  required
-    completes   items of information  in a table which  gives the folfowing  details for the tempering  of high-carbon   steel:
-  temperatures   (230 to 320°C) colour application   conditions typical tool  applications
-     explains  hew  a component   is tempered  throughout   its whole cross-section
-     carries   out the heat  treatments  listed   in the above objective
-                tests  a hardened  and tempered  cutting  edge,   taking  the necessary  safety precautions
Materials  under load
- defines stress as the internal resistance per unit area of a material to an externally applied load
-    defines strain as the deformation produced in a material by an externally applied load
-    describes three types of loading as:
-  tensile compressive shear
- illustrates with the aid of simple sketches, a material under each of the applied loadings given in the above objectives, using arrows to indicate load and stress and dotted lines to indicate deformation
- explains how stress and strain can be calculated in terms of loading and material dimensions, for the cases in the above objectives
- defines, for an elastic material subjected to a tensile load:
elastic limit yield point ultimate strength breaking strength states that, within the elastic limit, Hooke's law will apply defines Hooke's law as:
--.- = a constant stram
-    defines the constant contained in Hooke's law as the Modulus of Elasticity
-    applies the above objectives with simple numerical calculations
- shows, on a sketched graph of load to a base of corresponding extension values, the behaviour of an elastic materials under tensile loading and indicates the condition points listed above
-  states the significance in engineering practice of the four physical properties in the above objectives

-  states that vibration is caused by the effect of a single force or a succession of forces applied suddenly to elastic materials
- states that the forces causing vibration in a ship usually result from an imbalance in the machinery
-     describes  the main sources of ship vibration  as:
-    machinery with reciprocating components  (e.g.  pistons.  etc.) ship's propeller blades rotating through water of varying  pressure  and velocity
rotating machinery which has not been balanced (e.g. some crankshafts)
- rotating machinery becoming unbalanced through damage, erosion, corrosion or deposits (e.g. dirt, scale, etc.)
-    unbalanced power in the cylinders of a diesel engine
-    worn bearings in rotating machinery
-  states that a ship's structure and machinery are constructed largely of materials which are elastic
- states that vibrations are transmitted from one elastic material or component to another
-  states that anti-vibration materials are sometimes placed between connecting parts in order to reduce vibration
-                states that if a component is vibrating a reversing stress is present in the material
-                states that in normal working conditions the stresses due to vibrations are well within limits allowed for in the design
-                states that vibrations in a component may be from different sources, which can cause resonanceand magnify the effect
-                states that if vibrations become excessive the stresses induced can cause permanent damage
-    states that excessive vibration should not be allowed to continue
-                states that when varying the rotational speed of machinery, stages may be encountered where vibrations become excessive
-                explains that the condition described in the above objective is normally due to a resonance of vibrations which occurs at what is known as 'critical speeds'
-    states that excessive vibration within machinery is not always apparent
-                               states that critical speeds are predictable and should be clearly marked on controls and known to engineer officers
-    states that machinery should not be allowed to operate either at or close to a
·    critical speed
-        states that critical speed ranges should be passed through as quickly as possible
-        states that in addition to including stress, vibration may cause securing devices to work loose
-     explains how vibration may be reduced
Self-secured  joints
-    sketches the stages of making self-secured joints     -,
-     makes self-secured joints
Permanent  joints
-     lists the different ways of making permanent joints
Bonding  plastics
-     describes the principle  or bonding plastics
-     states the range  of softening  temperature for plastics
-    explains the care and satequards necessary  when  heatinq plastics

Adhesives  and bonding
-    explains the care necessary when using adhesives, to include:
-   skin protection
-    storage
-   fire
-    toxicity
-    states the advantages and disadvantage of adhesive bonding
-    describes the basic principles Qf joining by using an adhesive
-    sketches the four joint configurations
-    states the purpose of an activator when using an epoxy resin
-   states the significance of pot life
-   explains the limitations on the service conditions of epoxy resins
-    states that special epoxy resins are made to meet particular service conditions
-   lists the steps necessary when bonding together:
-   two metal components
-    friction material to steel
-   describes briefly metal-to-metal bonding and applications using:
-    liquid or paste
-    beads or dry film Joining plastics
-      states the three methods of joining plastics
-    states the need to use the correct adhesive for the plastic to be joined
-  selects and uses the correct adhesive for a variety of applications for a variety of strength tests included in the above objectives
.7      Pipework
   -      determines minimum bend radius with regard to pipe diameter, thickness, material and process to be used
-    selects pipe filters/strainers in piping systems
-    observes safety precautions
-    bends pipes, using both cold and hot techniques
-      removes bulk filler and residue
-      checks for ovality, thinning and other defects
-      anneals, normalizes or stress-relieves as necessary

Indikator Pencapaian Mata Diklat

Code of Material
Indikator Pencapaian
.1          Types of drawing
-    explains the purpose of a general arrangement
-     explains the purpose of assembly drawings
-    explains the purpose of component drawings
-     explains the use of collective single-part drawings
-    explains the use of pictorial drawings
-                        lists the standard/routine information and references commonly given on drawings

2  Line work
-     relates examples of lines to applications and vice-versa
-    draws tangents as required in practice
-    demonstrates what is meant by:
-    first-angle projection
-    third-angle projection and sketches the correct symbol for both cases
-    using given examples, completes first- and third-angle projections with:
-    missing lines
-    missing views
-    simple plotted curves prepares a sketch given simple components and provides sufficient dimensions for their manufacture completes orthographic projections of solids completes sectional views in orthographic projection draws a third-angle projection with hidden detail
-    explains the use of auxiliary projection
.3  Pictorial  projection
-     draws isometric  projections  of simple solids
-     draws oblique  projections  of simple solids
.4    Development
-    draws the development of a 90° intersection of circular trunking
-    draws the development of a cone
-    draws the development of a square pyramid
-    draws the development of a square-to-round transition piece
.5  Dimensioning
-    dimensions a simple component, applying all correct standards
-    explains the advantage of datum dimensioning
.6  Geometrical  tolerances
-    explains briefly what is meant by geometrical tolerance
-    relates symbols for geometrical tolerance to the intended characteristics
-                         using given reference material, applies tolerance data to engineering drawings, to include examples of:
-    straightness
-    flatness
-    roundness
-    cylindricity
-    concentricity
-    squareness
-    parallelism
-    angularity
-    position

.7    Limits and fits
-    explains the need for limits and fits
-    given various ways of indicating limits of size, explains their meaning
-      explains the meaning of:
-    tolerance
-    actual size
-    basic size
-    nominal size
-    explains hole basis fits
-    explains shaft basis fit
-      explains, using examples:
-    clearance fits
-    transition fits
-      interference fits
-  describes, using examples, the cumulative effect of tolerances
-      explains what is meant by selective assembly
-      lists the factors which influence the selection of tolerances

.8   Engineering  drawing  practice
-      makes engineering drawings employing the following:
-  sections in two parallel planes
-      revolved sections
-    thin sections
-   part sections
-   half sections
-   hidden detail
-   machinery symbols
-    surface finish
-   angular dimensions
-    arrow heads
-    auxiliary dimensions
-    centre lines
-   pitch-circle diameters
-   threads
-   thick chain-lines
-   enlarged views
-   hatching
-   leader lines
-   using reference material, applies abbreviations to drawings
-    applies conventional representation of the following features:
-   external and internal threads
-   squares on shafts
-   serrated and splined shafts
-  holes on a linear and on a circular pitch
-   bearings
-   interrupted views
-  tension and compression springs

-                        states that piping diagrams indicate all the information necessary for ship's machinery fittings                                                      ·,.
-  explains that piping  diagrams include design characteristics of the system and propulsion plant
-  explains  how to interpret piping diagrams taking a major system as an example
-  explains major symbol  marks used in piping diagrams
-    explains major symbol  marks used  in hydraulic and pneumatic diagrams
-                explains  operation  mechanism  of the major devices  used  in  the hydraulic  and pneumatic  systems  and how they work

Indikator Pencapaian Mata Diklat

Code of Material
Indikator Pencapaian

-  states that a well-organized workshop must be most effective to ensure a safe working environment and for using hand tools, machine tools and measuring instruments
-  .   states the importance that all the tools and measuring instruments should be kept in good order and shape to avoid accidents and to ensure safety of life states that proper use of tools enables successful completion of the tasks states the importance that a careful attitude is necessary wheh working on any tasks states that first-aid  box, fire extinguishers, appropriate lighting and ventilation should be in the workshop describes the necessary control over the power supply to a machine tool describes the basic  differences  between 'stop' and 'start' buttons describes the purpose and siting of 'emergency stop' buttons describes the situations where the following should be worn:
-    safety helmets
-    eye protection
-    protective footwear
-    skin protection
-     states  when hands and arms  should  be washed  with soap and water
-    describes the care necessary  for hands,  including for any cuts or abrasions
.1   Hand tools                                                                       
-  lists hand tools  usually used for fabrication   and repair on board ships,  showing actual  hand tools  such as various  types  of spanners,  wrenches,  pliers, drivers, nippers,  benders,  cutters,  hacksaws,  vices, gear pullers,  files,  drills,  reamers, hammers,  tap and dies, brushes,  anvil, swage  block,  punches,  scrapers, chisels,  scissors  and chucks
- explains  and demonstrates   how to use hand tools  usually used for fabrication and repair
-  explains  and demonstrates   correct  selections  of specific  hand tools  in accordance  with their purposes  of use
-     among  others,  describes  the following  with  regard to thread  cutting:
-     the purpose  of taper, second  and plug taps
-     what governs  the diameter  of the hole to be drilled  prior to tapping
-     the difference  in use of a die nut and a stock  and die
-     the different  techniques  used when cutting:
small-diameter   threads
large-diameter   and fine threads
internal threads  in open-ended   and blind holes and external  threads  on small-  and large-diameter   rod
-  explains  and demonstrates   safety  precautions  necessary  when using specific hand tools (Supervised   student   activity)
- uses various  hand tools to acquire  the fundamental   skills of using them with sample  materials  provided

.2  Powered  hand tools
-  lists powered  hand tools  usually used for fabrication  and repairs on board ships, showing  actual  powered  hand tools such  as various  types  of electrical/ air driven grinders,   sanders,  drills,  impact  wrenches,  portable   jig saw, hand shear and nibbler.
- explains  and demonstrates   how to use powered  hand tools  usually used for fabrication  and repair.
-  explains  and demonstrates   safety  precautions  necessary  in general  when  using electric/air  driven  hand tools
-  explains  and demonstrates   specific  difficulties  and necessary  precautions when using electric/air  driven  hand tools (Supervised   student   activity) uses  various  powered  hand tools to acquire   the fundamental    skills of using them with sample  materials  provided

.3 Machine  tools
1)          Drilling   machines   (10 hours)
-    lists the uses of a drilling  machine
-    explains  briefly how drills are held in a machine
-        explains  how a work  piece is held in place,  emphasizing  dangerous  practice and the particular  problem  when drilling  thin plate
-       describes  the procedure  for inserting  and removing  drills with  parallel and with tapered  shanks
-    describes  the care necessary  to avoid accidents  when using a drilling  machine
(Supervised   student   activity)
-                                uses drilling  machines  to acquire the fundamental  skills of using them with sample  materials  provided
2)          Grinding   machine   (5 hours)
-    explains  the purpose  of a grinding  machine
-    explains  how to use a grinding  machine
-        demonstrates   an awareness  of the dangers  which  exist when using a grinding machine
-    describes  the procedure  to ensure safety  when using a grinding  machine
(Supervised   student   activity)
-        uses grinding  machine  to acquire  the fundamental  skills of using it with sample materials  provided
3)          Centre  lathe  (20 hours)
-    explains  the primary  purpose  of a centre lathe, its construction   and functions
-       explains  the roles of each part, performing  their functions  of chucks,  centres, face plates, material  removal,  thread  cutting  and taper turning
-    on a given diagram  or machine,  identifies  the main features  of a modern  lathe
-    on a given diagram  or machine,   indicates  the features  and dimensions  which
govern the capacity  of a lathe
-      demonstrates   an awareness  of the dangers  which  exist when using a lathe
(Cutting   tools)
-      explains  various  cutting  tools  in terms  of materials
-    explains  various  cutting  tools  in terms  of figures
-    explains  various  cutting  tools  in terms  of functions
(Supervised   student   activity)
-        uses a centre  lathe to acquire  the fundamental  skills of using it with sample materials  provided
4)          Welding   and soldering
a)   Principles   of electric   arc welding   (5 hours)
-      explains  the suitability  of low-,   medium-  and high-carbon    steels  for welding
-        sketches  the relative positions   of the electrode  and the base metal when metallic  arc welding  manually
-      states  that A.C.   welding  is  more common  than D.C.  welding
-      sketches  the components   and circuit  necessary  in arc welding
-    describes  how welding  electrodes  are classified
-    describes the purpose of the electrode covering
-    explains how electrodes should be stored
-    explains how damp electrodes can be detected
-    states how damp electrodes can be dried
-     identifies the tools commonly used when welding
-    describes the principle of metal arc gas-shielded welding
-                        describes the principle of tungsten inert-gas welding b)  Principles of gas welding (5 hours)
explains the basic principles of gas welding
describes the principal features of a low-pressure system
-     explains what is meant by a high-pressure system
-     lists the fuel-oxygen/air mixtures
-     describes the flame produced when using oxygen and acetylene
-        explains the effect on the flame of mixing different proportions of oxygen and acetylene
-        describes the dangers of handling acetylene gas and the methods used for its storage in cylinders
-     explains why the maximum discharge rate should not be exceeded
-     identifies the safety fittings for an acetylene gas cylinder
-     compares the need for control of gas pressure for:
-    welding
-    cutting
-        states that a two-stage gas pressure regulator gives a more precise control than a single-stage regulator
-     identifies the safety features of gas pressure gauges
-        states that high-pressure blowpipes are unsuitable for use in a low-pressure system
-     identifies the principal parts of a high-pressure blowpipe
-     explains the care necessary for:
-        blowpipe hoses
-     explains the purpose of hose check valves and flashback arresters
-     describes the sequence to be followed if a flashback arrester is triggered
-     explains the basic purpose of a cylinder manifold system
-                               names the gas,  states its approximate pressure and describes  the cylinder outlet thread, given the colours of cylinders likely to be encountered
-        sketches the relative positions of the base metal, the filler wire and the welding nozzle when using:
-       the  leftward technique the  rightward technique
-    demonstrates  the welding procedure for both techniques in  the above objective
-     explains  the limitations   of leftward welding
-    explains the advantage of the rightward technique
c)  Weldedjoints in low-carbon steel (20 hours)
describes a butt weld
explains why plate edges are prepared sketches cross-sections:
-    of typical plate-edge preparations
-     indicating the features of a good weld
-                                of a typical multi-run weld describes a fillet weld
-    sketches cross-sections of fillet joints, showing:
-    throat length with concave and convex reinforcement
-    tee joint plate-edge preparations
-    corner joints
-     lap joint
(Supervisedstudent activity)
-                                makes welded butt and fillet joints, using manual electric arc and gas welding techniques
d)  Common faults in welded joints  (1  hour)
-     identifies the errors which can occur when lining up joints prior to welding
-    explains the cause of distortion
-        sketches a butt-welded and a fillet-welded joint, showing the effect of distortion
e)  Thermal cutting  (10 hours)
-    states the applications of flame and plasma-arc cutting
-    explains the principle upon which oxygen is used to cut iron
-        describes the conditions necessary in order to cut when using an oxygen-fuel gas mixture
-        identifies the common engineering metals which can and cannot be cut using an oxygen-fuel gas mixture
-    lists the gases commonly used as fuels
-        identifies the controls on a gas cutting blowpipe and demonstrates their purpose
-    explains the factors which affect the quality of cutting
-                        states the basic principles of plasma-arc cutting         , (Supervised student activity)
-    uses an oxygen-fuel gas cutting torch to cut straight lines and curves in mild
steel plate up to 10 mm thick to crop mild steel sections
f)    Inspection (5 hours)
-    constructs a checklist for visual  inspection during:
electric welding gas welding
-    constructs a list of the points  to check visually after welding is completed
-    explains the limitations of visual inspection
-     carries out the following  destructive  tests  on welded  joints:
-        bend macroscopic nick-break
-     carries out penetrant  tests  on welded  joints
-     describes  the principle  of:
-     ultrasonic  inspection
-     microscopic   inspection       ',
lists common  weld  defects  and their causes
g)  Soldering (10 hours)
-     explains  why brazing  is used
-     describes  the basic principles  of soldering
Soft soldering
-     explains  the limitations  of soft-soldered   joints  and the reasons
-     explains  how soft-soldered   joints  might  be strengthened
-     with the aid of a simple  sketch,  describes  the uses of a soldering  iron
-     states  the main hazards and precautions  necessary  when soldering
-     tin is a soldering  iron and makes soft-soldered   joints
-     describes  the process  of sweating  joints
-     explains  the need for a flux, its  application  and its removal
-     explains  the differences   between  and the uses of the following  fluxes:
-     passive
-     active
-     explains  the characteristics   and uses of plumber's  solder
Hard soldering
-     states  the reason for hard soldering
-     identifies  the metals which  can be joined  by:
silver solder brazing
bronze welding
-        states the processes  to be followed,   stating  the approximate  melting  point when:
-     silver solder
-     brazing
-     bronze welding
(Supervised   student   activity)
-                        makes soft-  and hard-soldering   joints h)   Safety  and  health  when  welding
states  the  protective    clothing    to be worn  when welding   on a bench
states  the additional    protection     necessary    when   welding  in  more difficult situations
states  the measures  necessary  to protect  other personnel   when welding states  the precautions   related   specifically     to gas welding
-    explains the effect of radiation from welding on the eyes and skin
-       describes the dangers of fumes from welding and how this should be dealt with
-       explains the principles of the precautions to be taken when welding or when a similar heating process is to be performed in tanks which have contained combustibles
-    states the precautions to be taken when working in confined spaces
-                states the care and precautions necessary when handling and storing compressed gas cylinders, with particular reference to acetylene and oxygen

.4 Measuring  instruments
- lists measuring instruments usually used for fabrication and repair on board ships, showing measuring instruments such as various types of scales, callipers, protractors, square and straight edge, vernier callipers, depth gauges, micrometers, dial indicators, thickness gauges, radius gauges and screw pitch gauges
-  explains and demonstrates how to use measuring instruments including their accuracy
-  explains and demonstrates correct selections of specific measuring instruments in accordance with their purposes of use (Supervised student activity)
-  uses various measuring instruments to acquire skills of using them with sample materials provided

-    explains what is meant by sealant, gasket and packing
-    explains the differences between gasket and packing
-  explains how packings are used showing actual packings such as various types of 0-rings, gland packings, mechanical seals, oil seals and labyrinth packings
-  explains how gaskets are used showing actual gaskets such as various types of non-metallic gaskets, non-ferrous metallic gaskets, metallic gaskets and semi-metallic gaskets                                                - explains how sealants are used showing actual sealants such as various types of sealants, liquid packings and seal tapes (Supervised student activity)
-                uses various sealants and packings to acquire skills of using them with sample materials provided

Indikator Pencapaian

Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of:
1.1 Statics (24 hours)
defines scalar and vector quantities, giving examples, e.g. mass and weight
defines force
shows force as a graphic representation
uses the parallelogram of forces to obtain the resultant of two forces acting as a
Common point
states the principle of equilibrium
defines the equilibrant
states the necessary conditions for three forces to be in equilibrium
defines the triangle of forces
describes the polygon of forces
defines the condition for equilibrium in the polygon of forces
defines the net effect of a number of forces acting at a common point as the resultant
defines the moment of a force about a point
determines the moment produced by a couple
describes the conditions required for equilibrium when a number of forces and moments
act on a body
balances moments
resolves a force into a force and a couple
defines the factors which govern the stabil1ty and overturning of a box
states that the centre of gravity of a mass suspended from a single point lies vertically
below the point of suspension
states that the centre of gravity of a mass supported by a single point lies vertically
above the point of support
solves simple numerical and graphical problems related to the elements in the above
1.2 Dynamics (20 hours)
Velocity and the Effect of Change of Direction
defines velocity as a vector quantity
plots graphs of velocity against time
defines relative velocity
determines average velocity from initial and final values of velocity
states that the area enclosed by a velocitytime curve is distance
defines acceleration in terms of initial and final values of velocity
solves simple problems, using the equations
defines velocity as a graphic representation
uses the parallelogram and the triangle of velocities to obtain resultant velocity
defines friction in the horizontal plane
defines the force required to overcome friction in the horizontal plane as
where: F = force in newtons
N = normal (i.e., 90°) reaction force between contact surfaces
μ= coefficient of friction
solves simple numerical problems related to the elements in the above objectives
1.3 Hydrostatics (10 hours)
states the formulae for the pressure exerted by a liquid at any given vertical depth
deduces the equation , to give the force on the
surfaces of a rectangular tank when filled with liquid
defines the effect of 'sounding pipes', 'air release pipes' or other 'standpipes' when
containing liquid
defines, with the aid of sketches, a hydraulic lifting machine
applies simple numerical calculations related to the elements in the above objectives
1.4 Hydraulics (6 hours)
describes the different energies stored in a liquid when in motion as potential energy,
pressure energy and kinetic energy
defines the "head of a liquid"
states the energy components in a moving liquid in terms of its head
states the expression to give the volumetric flow of liquid as its
, measured in m3/second
states the expression to give the mass flow of liquid as its
, measured in kilogram/second
solves simple problems concerning the above objectives

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